Saturday, June 13, 2009

Wiener Nationals 2009

A part of Germanfest every year is the Wiener National competition. Dachshunds are invited to sign up and participate in 1 on 1 races. It's done like the NCAA bracket, and the winner advances on. The last two years it has seemed to have grown in popularity and there have been two whole brackets of 64 dogs each! They have it at Headwaters Park and it's so funny to see all of the wiener dogs of all shapes and sizes running around there. We have a blast and now Ella is really enjoying it too. Cocoa actually won a race this year and made it into the second round, but didn't get much further after that. :( Some of those dogs are a lot faster than you'd think they'd be! Cocoa had quite the support group this year...our neighbors were there as well as Brad's sister and her kids. Everyone had a blast!

Ella was dressed for the occasion and cheesing for the camera!

Here's Ella and her cousin Addie waiting patiently for the races to begin!

Brad's nephew Austin has always helped us out with the race, he does a good job!

Brad and Austin teased her with bacon to get her to RUN!

And, she's OFF! It was definitely a fun day, something we look forward to every year!

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