Sunday, May 17, 2009

Corn, anyone??

Anyone that knows us knows how Ella likes to eat. From day one, she was constantly wanting more and really isn't too picky about it. I have to admit, most of the time it's nice, not having to push her to eat things. On the other hand, Brad and I sometimes have to "hide" to eat some things. ha If she hears someone in the kitchen, she's there in a few seconds. She has become quite fond of corn on the cob. I think she'd eat it every meal if she could. She eats it right off the cob, quickly and easily. It's just so funny to watch her. We've made her stop at 1 1/2 cobs, but I really wonder how many she'd eat before she'd willingly give in. :) I took a video of her the other night eating it at dinner. I have an "old" video camera that still uses tapes so I took a "video" of a video on my camera and uploaded it on here. I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but I like to do things the hard way. ha Anyway, the quality is not the greatest, but you get the idea!! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

And better still, she won't have any constipation issues, either!