Friday, May 28, 2010

Waaaayyy behind.....

Gee, can you tell I was a procrastinator all through school??? I really thought having this blog would help me keep up-to-date on the happenings on our lives, but that hasn't really proven to be true. So, for those of you that actually check this blog, I apologize for the delay. I really have good intentions of keeping this caught up! :)
I'll start with the biggest news of the last few months in the Johnson house.

Let's see...what could be new???? Ummm, maybe a BABY??!!! Yes, that's right, we are expecting baby #2! I am 20 weeks along now, almost HALFWAY! So hard to believe. Oh, and by the's another GIRL! :) :) I was NOT going to find out what we are having, I didn't with Ella and I loved the surprise. But, for some reason, a week or two before our ultrasound this week, I decided I just HAD to know. I tried to shake it, but the feeling was just there. I talked to Brad about it and he said he would like to know too, but would do whatever I wanted. Another reason we decided to do it is because Ella was very insistent that the baby was a girl and if anyone mentioned a boy or brother, she would get really upset. I decided we needed to know to prepare her if, in fact, it was a boy. Anything to make the transition a little smoother.... So, that's how that came about. And, as my sister's like opening your Christmas present early..Oops! But, I'm glad we did it because now I can shop 'til I drop at garage sales this Summer! Ha

Well, I have many more blogs to post to get caught up, so I'll get to work! I'll leave you for now with a recent pic of Ella in typical Ella fashion:

1 comment:

Sarah said...

She's back! She's back! The long 3 months of silence is over!!!