Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ella's Ritual

Well, the "stall tactics" are in full swing at bedtime now. We have to make sure the dog is kissed and hugged, the last drink of milk is taken, mom and dad are hugged & kissed, but not before the dog!! She always comes first.... I just love the secondhand dog kisses. And this is all before going into her room. Then, the real fun begins. She has to have several animals and "babies" with her each night. And, the special blankie, of course. If any of them are missing, we have to hunt them down. Then on to bed...almost. The next step is to turn on her music, get her into bed, and try to cover her up while she plays a "game" of putting her legs in the air so even that is hard to do. (That's comedy to a 2 year old.) ;) Finally, the animals are placed in their positions; every night it's different. And, here's the final product:

The funniest part is her trying to bring her hands together to pray after all that!

Sweet Dreams!!


MG said...

So precious!!! I can't imagine she wants to sleep with animals...or music...

Jill said...

Hmm Kimberly is 5 and we are still doing this same routine. I will have to take a picture of her once she's settled in bed. There is everything from 20 stuffed animals to scotch tape and crayons.

Jen Johnson said...

I know, Meg, hard to imagine, right?? :)
Man, Jill, I can't imagine sleeping with tape...Just doesn't sound too comfy to me...Crazy kid!